“10 Seconds,” written by Miriam Gonzales, explores a world where deeply rooted biases and misperceptions easily take hold. Life can often feel unnerving — and can change for the better (Read More)
Of you are registered for our summer musical program, this is an opportunity for you to prepare for your upcoming audition. This workshop is not mandatory, but it is highly (Read More)
Sitar's deLaski Theater
1700 Kalorama Rd, NW, Washington, DC, United States
Join us for a special concert performance by pianist and dedicated Sitar Arts Center volunteer teacher Beth Hochberg. Reception to follow. Click here to register.
We’re pleased to welcome to our Cafritz Gallery ”Chain Reaction,” a captivating 100-piece art exhibit by the 14-member International Online Art Collective . Two years in the making, “Chain Reaction” is the collective’s most ambitious project (Read More)
Join us for the community workshop inspired by “Chain Reaction” — a captivating 100-piece art exhibit by the 14-member International Online Art Collective. Immediately following the community art event, we're hosting an opening (Read More)
Sitar Arts Center
1700 Kalorama Rd, NW, Washington, DC
The SET IN DC Film Showcase will showcase and celebrate the diverse, lived experiences of DC-area youth; their backgrounds, communities, friends, families, and most importantly their perspective. RSVP > (Read More)